And here they are doing "American Gothic" in front of their new house in Sunridge in Lethbridge.
They'll have a nice view of the mountains as long as nobody else builds... ;-)
And here's the group of us after taking in the touring Banff Mountain Film Festival in Lethbridge.
One of my favourite films of the night was King Lines about one of the world's best rock climbers doing an amazing deep water climb on an arch of rock off an island in Spain. Check out this crazy trailer for the film:
Feels like my face should be photoshopped in there somewhere!
It's been fun hanging out with you gang! Wish I could have made it to the Film Fest.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Glad to see you are back in the blogging world.
I am glad to hear Chryslyn's presentation went well, she would have done a great job!
We really wish that we could have spent some time with you this Christmas. You are always welcome in Indiana :)
Umm...I am just realizing that I signed in last time with a different name. It was a name I used to make a presentation with Stephen reading. I actually used this in a presentation in West Virginia and for a class as an example of dialogic reading. Stephen was a very, very, very good sport about it. But now I should erase it...or not :)
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