I love the grace and serenity of the windmills, slowly sweeping the prairies with their gigantic arms. Their full power and size simply cannot be grasped, however, without trespassing and standing right underneath one. Even these pictures cannot do justice to their enormity. And I know, you will say, "I know how big they are... We drove by and got pretty close." No, you don't understand. You must actually go stand underneath and hear the mighty blades slicing through the air to really appreciate these new "prairie giants."
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
On windmills...
I love the grace and serenity of the windmills, slowly sweeping the prairies with their gigantic arms. Their full power and size simply cannot be grasped, however, without trespassing and standing right underneath one. Even these pictures cannot do justice to their enormity. And I know, you will say, "I know how big they are... We drove by and got pretty close." No, you don't understand. You must actually go stand underneath and hear the mighty blades slicing through the air to really appreciate these new "prairie giants."
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1 comment:
O boy, such magestic beauty.............. and such disreguard for signs of NO TRESPASSING ????
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