My favourite childhood novel was recently made into a movie, so Chryslyn and I decided to check it out on Friday night, though I made her read the book first. The verdict? Well, they did an OK job, but once again, the movie is just never as good as the book. And Chryslyn noted that the soundtrack was terrible.
So save your $8.50 and take out the book from the library. It's still a great read. The imagination of the main characters reminds me of myself as a child growing up on my northeast Saskatchewan farm. Being the only son with two older sisters, I spent countless hours by myself making up games and scenarios, transforming the farmyard and surrounding areas into whatever my imagination desired.
True, oh so true!!!
Love, mom
I came here from Chryslyn's blog and since "Bridge to Teribithia" was one of my favorite books growing up I had to comment. I still haven't seen the movie because I'm so afraid I'll be horribly let down by it. For years I've had the characters and situations pictured in my mind and someone else's depiction of that can never be good enough. :)
I have to agree as well. The book is way cooler. There are only few films in my opinion that can compete with the book. Bridget Jones is an instant one that comes to mind. I love the book and I love the movie. Ohhhh Jones!
you were the first one to ever tell me about this book - at one of the late night talk-athons we had at our house in calgary. I read it for the first time back then and felt the same way about the movie as you did.
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