Weird tunnel through the trees we encountered while in the forest.

Funny story.... We'd reached the halfway point in terms of kilometres on Day Three (37.5 out of 75) and so Daron marked it in the sand and I snapped a shot. We continued on our way, and half a kilometre later we were unable to get around a point while beach hiking because the tide was coming in. We were forced to turn back, walking past the halfway point again, and eventually detouring through the forest.

We also saw cougar prints, but these are from a wolf... Pretty fresh prints, as they must have been made after the tide went out this day.

Roots are a big obstacle on the WCT, and learning to negotiate over and around them is a necessity... Poles are a great help!

Just a cool shot of a boardwalk through the thick vegetation.

There are a variety of ways to cross creeks... suspension bridges, fallen tree trunks, cable cars.... or in this case, manoevering over giant pieces of driftwood.

Although Day Three was our longest day with 17 km to cover, we did get a treat halfway through. At Nitinat Narrows, the Native Canadians who run the ferry across the lake will also serve up plates of fresh crab or salmon.

Part of beach walking is planning for tides. We were able to make it through the Hole in the Wall at low tide on Day Three. The photo above shows the point from further down the beach.